Ginnungagap or Bust Crossing the canyon of growth The first few episodes of the third season of the Brady Bunch featured their trip to the Grand Canyon. It was a turning point in the show because it was filmed on location and also because the arch of the story was...
I grew up reading Elfquest. Wolf riders. Different kinds of elves. Four fingers. That was, and still is, what I think of as Elves. The Lord of the Rings and other things with Elves were, if anything, like the “Ancient Ones” in Elfquest, but never as cool....
“The Walking Dead” may go for 20+ seasons. The show, which premiered in the U.S. on October 31, 2010, is about a reality where the zombie apocalypse has happened and the world as we know it is gone. If we apply Dr. Emmett Brown’s theory of time then...