Star Wars Patrol Troopers – Why I Love Them

Star Wars Patrol Troopers – Why I Love Them

The new “Patrol Trooper” from Solo is on screen only a moment but I absolutely love this trooper. Why? Simple… they are the first real “cops” in the Star Wars universe.  Sure the sandtroopers are in the “MEPD” (Mos Eisley...
Star Wars Patrol Troopers – Why I Love Them

“Five” – Corellian Patrol Trooper in the 501st Legion

Introduction I love story and character. It’s my favorite thing about cosplay. To know who “I am” and who “I was” as the character I am is not only fun but, I think, important. It’s why with every TK or TD I’ve done for the...
Star Wars is Not a Love Story

Star Wars is Not a Love Story

Let me start by saying I love this photo from of Victor and Julianne, better known as “The Real Finn and Rey.” They had their engagement photos done as a photo shoot of Finn and Rey in the Star Wars desert planet of Jakku (Utah) and...
Kylo Ren and the Allegory of the Sun

Kylo Ren and the Allegory of the Sun

It’s no secret that I think Kylo Ren is the greatest Star Wars character yet. It’s also no secret that I believe “The Force Awakens” is the best of the Star Wars movies as well. The reasons are too lengthy to go into in one or one-hundred blog...
13 Reasons Kylo Ren is the Greatest Star Wars Character Yet

13 Reasons Kylo Ren is the Greatest Star Wars Character Yet

Personally I’ve (only) seen The Force Awakens 3 times in the theater — my plan is to watch it that many times more April 1st when it’s available on Amazon Prime — but I can honestly and willing say that it is now my favorite of the Star Wars movies. As a...
Is The Force Awakens a Remake of Star Wars

Is The Force Awakens a Remake of Star Wars

I was getting on Amazon to pre-order “The Force Awakens” and simply had to click on the 1 star reviews just to see what inane babble people who think it’s a bad movie were regurgitating. Low and behold most of them are complaining that it is simply a...