Die Hard Ventilation Ornament

Die Hard Ventilation Ornament

So I made us a Die Hard Ventilation Ornament. Because Die Hard is, as we all know, one of the greatest Christmas movies ever. I got the idea from this post. But there weren’t any instructions. So here are some quick instructions on how I did it with a file to print...
Star Wars Patrol Troopers – Why I Love Them

Star Wars Patrol Troopers – Why I Love Them

The new “Patrol Trooper” from Solo is on screen only a moment but I absolutely love this trooper. Why? Simple… they are the first real “cops” in the Star Wars universe.  Sure the sandtroopers are in the “MEPD” (Mos Eisley...
The Free Will of Characters

The Free Will of Characters

Among some of the many things I can say I am I’m a puppeteer. That means I own (at least) a puppet and know what I’m doing with him. How to move his mouth, sure, but more than that how to make him come alive. Murf is currently my primary puppet. He’s...